Skilling Engineers
The Problem:
Studies show that About 1.5 million engineers graduated from more than 3500 engineering colleges across India in 2014.
- Yet, only 4 to 7 % of engineers are actually fit for jobs in the core engineering sectors.
- Employers are not satisfied with the fresh engineering graduates they recruit.
- Graduates seem to lack higher-order thinking skills: analyzing, evaluating and creating.
- There is a huge demand from the core engineering industries for practical engineers with hands on experience.
- There is an equal interest among engineering students to jump-start their career in their chosen field.
- The sunrise industries of Aerospace, Defence and Electronics (ESDM) need thousands of skilled engineers for design as well as manufacturing.
- There are very few training schools for engineers in core engineering disciplines, especially Electronics and aerospace engineering design, and none that include robust processes, documentation and project management.
The Solution:
Drona Campus2Career Program
WHAT is the Campus-2-Career Apprenternship program?
It is a 6 month, intensive, hands-on training Apprenternship (Apprentice-intern) program that makes a fresh engineering graduate, industry-ready.
Are there shorter courses available?
Yes, there are 3-month, 1 month and even introductory 3 day programs available.
WHY train at Drona? To get the DRONA Edge through the ‘Apprenternship Program’
What are the benefits for the fresh engineer?
Who would not like to participate in a project that creates equipment that flies on advanced military fighter aircraft or helicopters? Some of these exciting live projects can be seen on this link:
Who would not want to get an insight into the design and development cyc
le of defense and aerospace systems that meet some of the most stringent global standards of performance, reliability and efficiency?
Who would not want to get recruited by the top names in Indian Industry today?
How is the Drona program different?
- The difference is Mentoring: the fresh engineer who enters the Drona ‘Apprenternship’ (Apprentice-intern) program without basic skills in design and manufacture, gets an opportunity to be mentored by experienced veterans of industry and well-known guest faculty.
- The difference is
the personal guidance received from Raj Narayan, one of the most respected inventors of the country
- The difference is hands-on training and exposure to the design of live projects with cutting-edge technology
- The difference is Soft-skills training: written and oral communication, business etiqu
ette and time management.
- The difference is Industrial exposure: the graduate engineer gets an opportunity to experience the complete design and development cycle activities in an industry, as well as a basic introdu
ction to Production, Planning, Administration and HR functions, which no general training program provides.
What are the benefits for the employer from customised ‘Apprenternship’ programs at Drona?
Every industrialist is aware of the time, cost and effort of training fresh engineers. In most organisations, the first few months are spent in training the new recruits, with no output.
- Advantage 1: Radel is renowned in industry circles, as an innovation and quality focused industry with rigorous processes and systems. A fresh engineering graduate who opts for the Drona program at Radel, goes through a complete transformation of his thought process, by which the critical, analytical and innovative skills blossom.
- Advantage 2: At the same time, the graduate is trained in systematic quality analysis and documentation processes.
- Advantage 3: A major area where our engineers fail is in communication. Training is provided in written and oral communication skills, business etiquette and time management too.
- Advantage 4: Drona offers customised programs too, tailored to each corporate’s needs.
To put it simply, the Drona ‘Apprenternship’ program takes on the initial training effort of the industry, and provides the employer with a trained engineer, ready for the job, so that the employer gets productivity from the new engineer, right from day one.
HOW does the fresh engineering graduate get skilled?
- Programs for fresh Engineering Graduates:
Drona offers several skilling programs in Embedded systems, Avionics, Electronics Design and related domains, among which are:
- An intensive holistic project-related six month course ‘Campus2Career’,comprising all aspects that are required to make a fresh engineer job-ready
- A short 3 week semester-break course in selected areas
- 3-day introductory workshops on current technology topics.
- Training programs for fresh recruits in core Engineering companies
Drona also offers customised programs to corporates in the Electronics Engineering, Avionics and Manufacturing fields, for training fresh recruits in their organisations.
Contact Us
Drona School of Engineering Practice
a Division of Radel Electronics Pvt Ltd
74/D, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100
Tel: +91 80 28520720 / 28520730, Mon – Fri, 8 am – 5 pm.
Contact person: Mr Mahesh A